Can I Have My Drug Possession Arrest Record Expunged in Texas?
Having an arrest on your record for drug possession in Texas can have a negative impact on your life. Even if you were found not guilty or received deferred adjudication, your record could be used against you when it comes to finding a job, getting insurance, buying a house or during a divorce or child […]
read moreHow Can I Clear My Record Of A Shoplifting Charge in Houston?
Facing a shoplifting charge in Houston can be a major setback. Not only do you deal with the immediate consequences, but a criminal record can haunt you for years to come. It can make it difficult to find a job, secure housing, or even volunteer in your community. Shoplifting is defined as deliberately taking items […]
read moreFalse Positives and Their Negative Impact: Houston Drug Test Kit Convictions
Like any other war, the war on drugs has claimed a fair number of innocent victims, among them people in Houston convicted when a false positive result was obtained using a defective field drug test kit. Field drug test kits were designed to provide law enforcement with an easy to use, inexpensive (around $2 per […]
read moreThe Texas Oil Boom and a Boom in Meth Use
Methamphetamine use is on the rise among oil field workers in the Permian Basin region of Texas, as are arrests for possession, manufacturing and selling the drug. Drilling for oil is an expensive process. In order to be profitable, many oil companies must maintain a 24/7 production schedule. This often results in long, grueling shifts […]
read moreWhat Happens If The Police Forget To Read My Rights?
The flashing lights, sirens, and verbal orders — this is the nightmare scenario. And my rights — what about my rights? After the noise stops and the colored strobes dim, an unfortunate arrest means seeking legal counsel from a Houston criminal attorney to help sort through the details. And your Miranda Rights are a significant […]
read moreCriminal Defense FAQ: Part 2
Lisa Shapiro Strauss has been successfully representing defendants charged with a wide range of felony and misdemeanor charges in Houston for 25 years. Our clients know they can depend on Lisa’s extensive experience to deliver the best possible resolution for their cases. For many of our clients, this is their first (and hopefully, last) brush […]
read moreCriminal Defense FAQ: Part 1
Have you been charged with a felony or misdemeanor in Houston? If so, you and your family probably have a lot of questions and concerns about the legal process you face. At the law offices of Houston Criminal Defense Attorney Lisa Shapiro Strauss, we’ve been helping clients navigate the criminal justice system in Houston for […]
read moreVaping Marijuana in Houston Can Result in a Felony Conviction
“Dabbing” or “vaping” are popular terms used to describe smoking marijuana concentrates using an e-cigarette/vaporizer. Vaping marijuana or THC concentrates such as shatter, hash or hash oil in Houston can get you into a lot more trouble than just smoking “loose” marijuana. In Texas, possession of “loose” marijuana is a misdemeanor offense while possession of […]
read moreWhat To Expect From Your First Meeting With A Houston Criminal Defense Attorney
Your first meeting with a Houston criminal defense attorney is one of the most important appointments you will have in the course of your case. It’s not uncommon to be nervous about your situation and uncertain what to expect from an initial consultation. Here are some tips on what will happen at your first meeting […]
read moreWhat To Expect From A Theft Case
Facing a theft accusation can feel like the ground is shifting beneath your feet. Whether you’ve been caught up in a misunderstanding or you’re facing serious charges, the path ahead might seem confusing and overwhelming. You’re not alone — thousands of people every year find themselves navigating the legal system, wondering what’s next. From the […]
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