Harris County’s MMDP Program: What Do We Know After Its 1st Year
If you’ve been caught in possession of a misdemeanor amount (less than 4 ounces) of marijuana in Harris County, you may qualify for Harris County First Chance Intervention Program/Misdemeanor Marijuana Diversion Program (MMDP). Signing up for the misdemeanor marijuana diversion program does not require any assistance from an attorney. Instead, the officer who detains you […]
read moreIs the Smell of Marijuana Probable Cause for a Search?
Marijuana laws are changing across the country, but in the state of Texas, marijuana is still only legal for medical use to those with intractable epilepsy. Recreational marijuana use is still a drug crime that is taken very seriously, and law enforcement has been known to overstep boundaries while searching for evidence. Is the smell […]
read moreCBD Oil and Synthetic Cannabinoids in Houston: A Mixture That Could Land You in Big Trouble
CBD oil is an extract from marijuana or hemp plants from which the THC has been removed. This substance is legal in Texas; however, the presence of synthetic cannabinoids – chemicals used to mimic the effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana – makes it illegal. Even though it may be for sale at […]
read moreWhat Can Store Security Guards Do If They Suspect Shoplifting?
Stores selling consumer goods take shoplifting seriously. Each time an item “walks” out of the door without payment, the store loses money and gains a reputation for criminal activity. A variety of high-tech theft prevention devices, like cameras and RFID detectors, have reduced the regularity of shoplifting. These advances have helped, but many stores still […]
read moreCan Law Enforcement Search Your Person or Property Without a Search Warrant?
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights was written to protect private citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement and other government officials: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants […]
read moreThe Risks of Accepting Stolen Property
Theft is a criminal act that conjures images of a person intentionally stealing someone’s property and fleeing the crime scene, slipping away before police can arrive. Many fail to realize that accepting stolen property is also a serious offense that actually carries the same penalties as ordinary theft. There are many defenses that can be […]
read morePossession With Intent to Distribute: The Penalties for Drug Dealing in Texas
Being charged with possessing a controlled substance with the intent to distribute in Texas brings more severe penalties than being charged with simple possession for personal use. A person convicted of possessing a controlled substance with the intent to distribute could potentially face hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines as well as a life […]
read moreArrested for Prescription Drug Abuse in Houston?
With the rise of opioid and other prescription drug abuse in Texas, state law enforcement is cracking down on illegal prescription drug use and possession. Many prescription medications are classified as controlled substances under Texas’ drug laws. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that illegal use and possession of prescription drugs will not get you […]
read moreTake Care of Any Outstanding Warrant in Houston Before the Round-up Begins
If you have been contacted by the Harris County or Houston Municipal Courts about an outstanding warrant for traffic violations or other minor penal code or ordinance violations, now is this time to take care of it, because the 2018 Great Texas Warrant Round-Up is underway. The City of Houston and Harris County are among […]
read moreGetting a Theft Case Dismissed in Houston
Being accused of theft can be a frightening ordeal. The fear of a criminal record, fines, or even jail time can cloud your judgment. However, it’s important to remember that a theft charge doesn’t necessarily mean a conviction. Getting a theft case dismissed in Houston is possible under some circumstances. Common Defenses for Getting a […]
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